Ouroboros Syndrome APK

Ouroboros Syndrome

Ouroboros 0.2 for Android


In a city divided between the privileged and the desperate, Ouroboros Syndrome throws us into the thrilling journey of Kira. Initially living a life of comfort in the Core, Kira's world comes crashing down when she is unexpectedly thrust onto the streets. With no other options, she is faced with a life-altering choice from a powerful gang. As we follow Kira's gripping story of survival and revenge, we can't help but become enthralled in her quest to reclaim everything that was taken from her. Can Kira rise above the chaos and unleash her true potential? Join her in Ouroboros Syndrome and find out.

Features of Ouroboros Syndrome:

⭐ Gripping storyline: Ouroboros Syndrome Kira boasts a captivating storyline that will keep players on the edge of their seats. Follow Kira's journey as she navigates the treacherous streets after her life takes an unexpected turn. Will she be able to overcome the challenges and seek revenge?

⭐ Immersive gameplay: Immerse yourself in the dark and gritty world of Ouroboros Syndrome Kira. With stunning visuals and atmospheric sound effects, players will feel like they are right there with Kira as she fights for survival.

⭐ Choice-driven decisions: Throughout the game, players will be faced with a series of tough choices that will shape Kira's destiny. Every decision matters and can lead to different outcomes, adding to the game's replay value.

⭐ Dynamic characters: Meet a cast of dynamic characters, each with their own motivations and secrets. Interact with them, form alliances, and uncover the truth behind Kira's predicament. The rich character development adds depth to the overall gameplay experience.

Tips for Users:

⭐ Pay attention to detail: Ouroboros Syndrome Kira is filled with subtle clues and hints that can greatly impact the outcome of the story. Be sure to pay attention to dialogue and examine your surroundings carefully to make informed decisions.

⭐ Explore different paths: The game offers multiple branching paths, allowing players to experience different storylines and endings. Don't be afraid to explore different choices and see how they affect Kira's journey.

⭐ Develop relationships: Building relationships with other characters can give you valuable information and resources. Take the time to get to know them and cultivate alliances that may prove crucial in your quest for revenge.


Ouroboros Syndrome Kira is a thrilling interactive experience that will captivate players from start to finish. With its gripping storyline, immersive gameplay, and choice-driven decisions, the game offers a unique and engaging adventure. Embark on Kira's journey, navigate the dangerous streets, and uncover the truth behind her life-altering situation. Are you ready to face the challenges and seek revenge? Download now and immerse yourself in this captivating world.


  • Category:
  • Latest Version:
    Ouroboros 0.2
  • Updated:
  • File size:
  • Requirements:
  • Developer:
    Yeehaw Games
  • ID:
  • Language: